
LBK Art Scene

Did you know Lubbock has an Art District? The First Friday Art Trails is a fantastic way for art enthusiasts to enjoy local art, beverages, and get a taste of local food from food truck vendors in town.

We had the chance to speak with Jakob Reynolds, Program Coordinator for LHUCA, the organization who helps coordinate the First Friday Art Trails, to learn more about the event which takes place on the first Friday of every month.

“ e First Friday Art Trails is a program that we organize and get grant funding for, and is a self-guided tour of different art venues and galleries in downtown Lubbock’s cultural district,” Reynolds said.

“ e First Friday Art Trail has been going on for at least 15-20 years now, almost as long as LHUCA has been operating here in Lubbock, and it started out on a smaller scale with just a couple of hundred people to now thousands of people every single month.”

We also wanted to know how local artists can get involved in the First Friday Art Trails and Reynolds said, “lots of the art you see displayed have been approached by our curator from previous shows that take place here every single week, and every single gallery in the art district

has their own process but usually source  from local artists or from students in the art school at Texas Tech.”

“ ere’s really is a very active arts community here in Lubbock so you really don’t have to search too hard to nd high quality, talented, artists, and musicians.”

When discussing the local talent, we also came to find an interesting fact of artists who travel to the Hub City to take part in the First Friday Art Trails.

“ e First Friday Art Trails doesn’t just showcase work from only Texas Tech, LCU, SPC, or just Lubbock, but we’ve seen fine work from artists all over the South Plains and even as far away as Austin or Albuquerque,” Reynolds said.

Lubbock, if you’re looking to try something different in Raiderland, the Frist Friday Arts Trails should be at the top of your list. From local art, local wine, local food, and local bands, the festival is sure to top your list.

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