Texas Tech Alumni

Alumni Spotlight – Congressman Jodey Arrington

At Campus Live, we love to feature our Texas Tech Alumni who are making a difference in their industries.

In this month’s feature, we had the extreme honor of sitting down with Texas Tech Alumni, Congressman Jodey Arrington. We wanted to get to know Jody a little bit outside of politics. Check out our Q&A below!

Q: In life, who’s your hero?
A: My dad. He played basketball during the 1956-1960 era. He came from a really rough background in terms of family life and just had so much to overcome. If it weren’t for Texas Tech, the scholarship they gave him, and his pouring into basketball, his dream was to have the family he never had. He has been the leader, in every sense, for our family, he taught me about what’s right and wrong, he taught me how to work hard and go after what you want to do in life, and he taught me about Jesus, and about the most important thing for not just this life but also eternal life. So I’d have to have to say I’m eternally grateful for my dad and grateful he’s still around at eighty years old.

Q: How would you describe yourself?
A: I would describe myself as a guy that loves people, someone who is passionate about serving people and making a difference. I think God wires us in different ways and I think my wiring is to make
a difference and make the world a better place. I’d also say I like to joke and have a little fun and tease. When I’m teasing you, it’s probably because I like you. I think life’s too short not to have fun in the process.

Q: What’s one thing you want to achieve?
A: I want to make sure our country is safe, strong and free. It’s the same country that gave me the opportunity to pursue a great education at Texas Tech and to pursue my professional dream in public service, and to support my family. I think we take a lot of the things we have in this country for granted, but every generation has to do their part to hand this country better and stronger than they found it. So, that is what I’m consumed with every day. If I can do that, then I’ll ride out into the West Texas sunset knowing that I did my part.

Q: How would you describe your family in three words?
A: Fun. Adventurous. Wild.  Mainly because I have a three-year-old, we call him Hank the Tank, and he’ll just knock anything over, chew through anything, but it’s a fun type of wild.

Q: What was your major when you were at Texas Tech?
A: Political Science. I’m a rare form who actually is doing in my professional career in what I studied in both undergrad and graduate. Texas Tech prepared me very well for what I’m doing today and I wouldn’t have the successes in my career without the strong educational foundation that Texas Tech gave me.

That wrapped up our one-on-one with Congressman Jodey Arrington, this month’s Alumni Spotlight. For video evidence of the Congressman revealing his hidden talent of juggling, along with the full video interview on Campus Live TV, visit us on our website or any of our social media outlets.

More about Congressman Arrington

Congressman Jodey Arrington is Texas’s U.S. Representative for the 19th congressional district and is a proud Red Raider.

Photo Credit:  Office of Communications for Congressman Jody Arrington 

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