
Coach Beard 4:1 Phrase Meaning

4:1 Meaning Explained

“Tough times pass, tough people last.” Coach Beard. When asked to describe his coaching philosophy, he tells a story from when he first started coaching. Back then, he took his team to a preseason Gymboree, and they lost all their games. That night, he said that all he could think about was mental toughness and that they weren’t beat. They were physically weaker but because they weren’t as mentally prepared as the other teams.

Coach Beard Lives on at Tech

He has taken this revelation with him throughout his coaching career. Here at Texas Tech, it has become a way of life. Whether it’s a player after a tough loss, or just any old tweet Coach beard decides to put out, one thing remains constant, 4:1. Only three characters, but they have become the backbone of an entire program. “The mental is to physical as four is to one.” Coach Beard has gone so far as to tattoo on his back speaks volumes about what he teaches his players. When asked to describe what it means to him, Beard talks about his mentor and former Texas Tech basketball coach Bob Knight. Specifically, how two players with equal skill are not necessarily equal when one is mentally weak.

Coach Beard Has Made a Huge Difference

This single phrase has engrained itself into Texas Tech Basketball
so far as to be even in the Texas Tech Basketball logo. Coach Beard has a record of 94-44 as the head coach through four seasons and a winning percentage of 72%. Mike Krzyzewski, who is considered one of the greatest coaches of all time, has a winning percentage of 76.4%. Beard also earned awards like the 2018-2019 winning Big 12 Coach of the Year. Also, the 2018-2019 Associated Press National Coach of the Year award. These awards came after he led his team to the NCAA tournament championship game against the University of Virginia.

4:1 is Everything

The culture of hard work and putting in the extra mile is shared by players and coaches alike. Former guard Thomas Brandsma said that “4:1 is everything, that’s how I live my life.” Along with Head Strength and Conditioning Coach John Reilly saying that “The path of least resistance leads nowhere. Your body is willing to do the job if you’re mentally prepared, and that’s what it’s all about, push through those tough moments.” Coach Beard.

With the already wacky 2020 season starting in November, the ability of Coach Beard to keep his team on track and mentally present will be of utmost importance. However, time and time again, he has answered the call and been a leader of men for Texas Tech Basketball. So far, he has brought in newcomers, Mac McClung and Marcus Santos-Silva, who have shown they have adapted to their new environment by being 4:1.

Tech is Prepared

Coach Beard has had high praise for both guys and shows confidence in his new players and returning players. The Big 12 looks to be top to bottom the best conference in college basketball, and Coach Beard will have his work cut out for him trying to get his team back to the NCAA title game. But one thing will be for sure; this team will be mentally prepared for anything and looking to be recognized as the powerhouse that they are. 4:1.

Texas Tech starts the Big 12 against Kansas, Thursday, Dec. 17th and we expect the season to be intense from there.

Story By: Ryan Scott, and Corey May, Sports Journalist Interns

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