

Being in college and away from home can be hard. Moments like these are when we are thankful for the friends turned into family. There is no greater time to celebrate friendship than Friendsgiving. Campus Live thought of some advice to assist with hosting your first Friendsgiving but remember that Friendsgiving is customizable to best fit each group of friends.

When making a guest list, invite people who have positively impact- ed your life. Do not put stress on each person knowing everyone that is attending because that will be a great way for others to make additional friends. After considering attendees, try to plan a day that will best fit in different schedules and is before heading home for the week.

On average, a 6-pound turkey will feed five people, so as the guest list rises, make sure the turkey size does too. As a host, do not put all the pressure of food on yourself. Ask guests to bring a dish like salad, stuffing, potatoes, gravy, veggies, and desert, to divide and conquer Friendsgiving. Always consider guests that are vegetarian or have food allergies. With food, there is bound to be extras, so make sure guests bring some containers to take leftovers home. As an attendee, make sure to ask the host if you can help with anything, such as cooking, setting up, or just playing your best playlist.

Do not forget about the reason for the holiday! Set aside time from eating and chatting to express your gratitude for your friends. Go around the table and share or write down a couple things each person is thankful for.

Story by Brianna Maldonado 

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